Unmerging Merged Records

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

You must have a Security Profile with the following Admin Permission to unmerge records: Can Unmerge Records?

The merging of two records can be reversed if required. In this process, the Subordinate record is reactivated and its child records restored.

To unmerge two merged records:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Data Management. The 'Data Management' page is displayed.
  2. Expand the Duplicate Detection section, and select Merged Records. The 'Merged Records' page is displayed.
  3. Select the following System View: Merged Records. This displays all records with a Status of 'Merged'.
  4. Select the relevant record. The 'Merged Record' page is displayed.
  5. Select Menu > Unmerge Record. The system sets the Status of the Merged Record to Pending Unmerge.

As with merging records, the unmerge process is applied by a Scheduled Job.

If the unmerge process is successful, the system does the following:

  • Reactivates the Subordinate Record.
  • Restores child records to the Subordinate Record - that is, child records that were associated with the Subordinate Record before the merge process. Child records with a 'many-to-many' relationship however, such as Service Provisions, must remain associated with the Master Record.
Records that were associated with the child records after the merge process remain associated with the child records after the unmerge process.
  • Deletes the Merged Record.

If the unmerge process is unsuccessful, the system does the following:

  • Sets the Status of the Merged Record to Unmerge Failed. See the Error field for further information.

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Viewing Merged Records
