Aggregated Data in User Charts Updated by

The User Chart feature has been extended so that data can be aggregated and displayed in a widget.

To use this:

  1. Navigate to Settings > View and Dashboards >  System Charts.
  2. Select the Create new record button to add a New Chart.
  3. For the Type field, select Single Line Card.
  4. For the Data View field, select the view of data you would like to aggregate.

  1. For the Series, select the data field you would like to aggregate, the function (eg Count All)  and then the Title  which will display under the number that has been aggregated.

  1. Use the Title Text Colour, Title Text Font Size, Percentage Text Colour, and Percentage Text Font Size to format as you like.
  2. Select Save to see a preview:

  1. The following functions are available:

“Empty” is where the Data Field you have selected is not populated, so in the example above the ‘Booking Diary’ field could be empty or not in the ‘Diary Booking Last Month’ data view.

  1. The Target Value for Percentage Calculation and Target Value Text can be set as shown below:

  1. The Format Function can be used to convert numbers:

The charts made above can then be added to Widgets on a Dashboard and selected to drill through to see the underlying data:

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Creating a System Chart

Adding Widgets to a System Dashboard
