
Data Import Processes

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Data Import Processes allows you to create the import procedure to get your data into the system. Each Data Import Process records allow you to monitor the progress of an import process. A read-only Data Import Process record is automatically created for each data import file.

To access and create Data Import Process records and monitor the process of a Data Import, including errors that have occurred, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Data Management. The 'Data Management' page is displayed:

  1. Expand the Data Import section, and select Data Import Processes. The 'Data Import Processes' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar.
  3. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.

The following columns in the 'Data Import Process' page along with the record provides additional information about the process:



Field Logic Type

Process Id*

Automatically generated.


System generated numeric value


Automatically generated.

System generated text

Data Migration Map*

Select the map to use for the import.


Import Action*

You have two options to selection from:

  • Add new records
  • Update existing records

Drop-down selection


Select the file using the Browse button.

Browse button selection

File Provided

Indicates whether a file has been uploaded and stored with the data import process record

Yes/No radio button

File Encoding

You have two options to selection from:

  • Default
  • UTF-8

Drop-down selection

Allow Partial Load

Setting this flag to yes will load the file partially. System will load record where no errors exist and discard others

Yes/No radio button

Use Empty Cells*

Treat empty cells in the import file as an update to set the field to NULL/Empty in the system

Yes/No radio button

Execute Workflow & Rules*

Defines if imported records will trigger workflows and rules

Yes/No radio button

Responsible Team*

Defines which team is responsible for this record

Drop-down selection


Shows the Status for the Data Import Process records with one of the following:

  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Finished
  • Finished with Errors
  • Failed



Current Executing Process

Displays the currently running progress. Works in tandem with the Status field, particularly when the Status = In Progress.



Records in File

Total number of records in the file to be processed.


Records with Errors

Total number of records in the file that were not imported due to an error.


Records Loaded

Total number of records in the file that were successfully imported.


Records Not Loaded

Total number of records in the file that were not imported due to incorrect data. This could be invalid data for a Target Field or missing mandatory fields.


Execution Start DateTime

When the Data Migration started.

Date / Time

Execution End DateTime

When the Data Migration started.

Date / Time

Duration In Minutes

The length of time it took for the data migration process.


  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

Import Results

You can see the results of your import in the process results section and the import log in the following way:

  1. From the 'Data Import Processes' page is displayed, select either of the following System Views:
    1. Pending Records: Shows all Data Import Process records with a Status of 'Not Started' or 'In Progress'.
    2. Processed Records: Shows all Data Import Process records with a Status of 'Finished', 'Finished with Errors' or 'Failed'.
  2. Select a record to access information about any errors or ignored items that occurred during the import process. The 'Data Import Process' record is displayed.
  3. Select Process Result from the contents on the left.

  1. Select the Import Log tab to see the Data Import Process Errors.

The following columns are displayed in the Data Import Process Errors Pane:

  • Error Type:
  • Row Id: row in the import file in which the error occurred.
  • Field: Field in the import file in which the error occurred.
  • Error Message: Error message generated.
  • Created On: Date and time the error occurred.

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