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Mohammed Jamal
Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Security Profiles - Record Privileges

The following Record Type (Business Objects) are available to configure View, Create, Edit and Delete permissions for when setting up Security Profiles. Business Object Menu Sub-Menu / Description Ab…

Mohammed Jamal
Updated by Mohammed Jamal


Additional Team (previously called “Works at” team). A Team you sometimes work at, that you may get “borrowed out” to. Ad-hoc Expenses. Captures expenses that can optionally be linked to bookings, pe…

Mohammed Jamal
Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Care Cloud Finance API’s

This article describes the Postman collection to interact with Care Cloud Finance API's Authorization OAuth 2.0 GET Health Check. https:// [INTEGRATION_URL]/api/health-check Check if API is availabl…

Updated by mark.thompson@oneadvanced.com

FAQ - Why can't we see all Residents in the Mobile App?

For the Residential Mobile App, the following is required to see the Residents (aka People We Support / Person record): The Resident needs to have: a Person Contract record for the correct Care Home…

Updated by mark.thompson@oneadvanced.com

FAQ - What is the timeout of the Product?

The timeout for Browser use has been chosen due to the nature of the highly sensitive data stored in the system and to protect this data from a bad actors access to it. The amount of time chosen is b…

Updated by mark.thompson@oneadvanced.com

FAQ - Why am I seeing an error message in the Mobile App about option-set data not available?

This can happen when the data contained in an option set has been updated since the device last synced with Care Cloud. To resolve this, System Administrators can follow the steps below in the deskto…

Heather Chapman
Updated by Heather Chapman

FAQ - Why is the Employee Type field important when creating a System User record?

The Employee Type given impacts which other Employee Types the user can see, as follows: No = User cannot see this type of User (except their own record if type being compared is their own). Yes = Us…

Mohammed Jamal
Updated by Mohammed Jamal

What is the Mobile App Timeout?

The Mobile App Timeout is set at 60 minutes. If the users changes the app they are looking at on screen then they will be asked for a PIN where they return focus to the Care Cloud App, regardless of…

Updated by mark.thompson@oneadvanced.com

How do i control which Care can be given in Ad-Hoc Mobile Tasks?

In order to be displayed at Ad Hoc Tasks, the records at Settings > Configuration > Reference Data > Care Tasks must have flags: Available for Care Scheduling: No Available for Regular Care: Yes And…

Updated by mark.thompson@oneadvanced.com
