Scheduling Setup: Contract Hours Validation

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The following covers the Contract Hours Validation section of the Scheduling Setup.

Within the Employment Contract, it is possible to specify the Contract Hours Per Week. If a value is entered it can be used to validate if a booking exceeds this maximum value when it is added to the Diary or Schedule.

The validation can be configured based on the Type of Employment Contract:

  • Salaried
  • Hourly
  • Contracted / Contracted - Variable
  • Volunteer

For each type you can specify from one of the following values:

  • Check: Checks against the total booking length for the week against the Contract Hours Per Week of the Employment Contract.
  • No Check: Allows the bookings to be added irrespective of the Contract Hours Per Week.
  • Warn Only: Warns the user that the total booking length has exceeded the Contract Hours Per Week.

The Scheduled Booking Weeks to Check is the number of weeks to check the validation against.

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