Rate Units Setup

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Rate Units specify the measurement used to calculate the cost of Services. This could be a fixed rate for a specific duration (e.g. daily or weekly), a proportional charge based on a time period (e.g. pro-rata weekly), or a fee tied to a specific unit of work (e.g. hourly).

To ensure optimal flexibility, the software offers a combination of pre-defined rates and the ability to define custom rates. This empowers you to tailor pricing to specific client requirements and service offerings.

To access and add Rate Units:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Reference Data. The 'Reference Data' page is displayed.
  1. Expand Person Contracts, and select Rate Units.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Rate Unit: New' page is displayed.
  3. Complete the fields in the General section, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Field Logic Type


Name of the Contract Scheme.

Free text input


Needs to be a unique number.

Free text input

Gov Code

The Gov Code can be provided (optional).

Free text input


If you don’t want this record to be in use yet, select the Yes option.

Yes/No radio button

Responsible Team*

This is the primary team in which staff members will work, for contracts with this Contract Scheme (defaults to the current user’s team).


Start Date*

Start date of Contract Scheme (defaults to the current date).


End Date

End date of Contract Scheme (leave blank if you don’t want this scheme to end).


Valid For Export

Indicate whether this record can be exported.

Yes/No radio button

  1. Within the Setup section, there are three fields. When you select Yes for either of these fields, the other two will grey out and additional fields will appear.

When Time and Days = Yes:




Time and Days?*

Should a Person Contract Detail record have a Start Time and Days recorded?

Yes/No radio button

Banded Rates?*

Banded rates are used to determine the salaries of staff members. Each band has a range of pay points, and employees progress through the bands and pay points based on experience, qualifications, and role responsibilities.

Yes/No radio button

Minimum Allowed*

Minimum value for the rate starting from 0.

Whole number unless Decimal Places = Yes

Maximum Allowed*

Maximum value for the rate.

Whole number unless Decimal Places = Yes

Decimal Places?*

When Decimal Places is set to Yes, the Minimum Allowed and Maximum Allowed values can contain decimal numbers.

Yes/No radio button

Single Rate?

When Single Rate is set to No, you will be required to enter a Unit Divisor.

Yes/No radio button

Unit Divisor*

When Single Rate is set to Yes, the Unit Divisor = 1.

Numerical value 0 to 9.99

When Average Month = Yes:




Average Month*

When Average Month = Yes, charge values will be calculated using an annualised weekly charge, divided by 12.

Yes/No radio button

Banded Rates?*

Where Banded Rates = Yes, when there is a rate change or the Person Contract Service ends, a single adjusting Finance Transaction will be created identifying the difference in charge between Average Month rate and Actual rate.

Yes/No radio button

Adjustment Tolerance Lower Limit*

A currency value between -£999.99 and £999.99.


Adjustment Tolerance Upper Limit*

A currency value between -£999.99 and £999.99.


When One-Off = Yes:





When One-Off = Yes, enables the generation of one-off charges.

Yes/No radio button

  1. Enter a Note Text if applicable.
  2. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

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