
Creating Person Specific Training

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Occasionally, we have a Person that has very specific health and care needs that are not covered within the traditional training, but we need to ensure that the staff working with the person has the training needed. In order to accomplish this, you can use the Person Specific Training (PST) business object to capture and record the training and the staff who received the training.

The user is able to create training on the fly, record who was trained, what the training covered, and the date and length of training. The system will create both a training record for the staff and the training diary booking so the staff can be paid for the training time. Based on the timeframe specified it flags staff who has received training with a PST icon when you are scheduling booking. You are able to require the training to be completed before the staff can support the person. You are also able to add a general training for a staff. Staff with either a Care Manager or Care Coordinator persona will be able to access the Person Specific Training business object.

To create the Person Specific Training record:

  1. Open the Person record in the usual way.
  2. Select Menu > Related Items > Person Specific Training. The 'Person Specific Trainings' page is displayed.
  3. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar to add a Person Specific Training record.
  4. Complete the fields in the General section, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Person Contract*

Select the Person Contract to associate the training with.

This contract has the Person Contract Is Enabled For Scheduled Bookings? = Yes.

You do not need to create a PST record for each booking type. The system will look across all contracts and notify the user if there is a PST requirement.

Training Item*

Select the Training Item. These are Person Specific items only.

The Staff Training Item Reference Data record must have the Training Type = Person Specific.

Training Type*

You are able to select either General or Person Specific.

If you select General you will get a Lookup Training Course button to select a training course.

If you select Person Specific you are able to create the training course name on the fly.

Training Course*

Depending on your Training Type select, you will either need to select from the drop-down or enter the training course name.

Valid From*

Specify the start date the training will be needed to support the person.

Valid To

Specify the end date the training is needed for.

Example: If you have person coming out of the hospital and they need specialised wound care, and you expect this to go on for the next 3 months you would set your Valid From and Valid To values to cover those 3 months, so that anyone working with the person would be required to be training on the wound care process.

Training Completed*

There are two options:

  • If Yes is selected, the record will be locked, and a training diary booking will be generated for staff completing the training, and a completed training record will be created.
  • If No is selected, you will be able to return to the training and complete at a later date. The system will create an outstanding training record for any staff selected.

Training Description*

This field is set up with HTML and rich text controls to allow you to write the document up, highlighting salient points. It also allows you to have a printable description available if needed.


You can either specify the Professional that is administering / or has administrated the training. You can also select a System User instead.


This allows for the training to be setup as a recurring training if this is a long term treatment issue.

Responsible Team*

Specify the team that is responsible for the person supported.

Responsible User*

Specify the Staff that is responsible for the person supported.

Length of Course (Minutes)*

Allows you to specify the length of training in minutes.

Scheduling Prevent or Warn*

Allows you to specify whether the training is required for the staff supporting the person.

  • Prevent: This will not allow anyone who has NOT received the training to be schedule with the person. "Prevent" is the default on the PST record.
  • Warn: This will warn the scheduler that the staff selected has not be trained and allow the scheduler to decide whether or not to schedule the untrained staff.

  1. Complete the fields in the Booking section, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Booking Type*

Allows you to select the booking type the diary booking will be recorded against.

The list is filtered by Booking (to internal non-care booking e.g. annual leave training) where the person specific flag is yes.

Course Start Date*

The start date the training was actually conducted.

Course End Date*

The end date the training was actually conducted.


The provider the person is being supported by.

Course Start Time*

The time the training was started.

Course End Time*

The time the training ended - this will be used to create the booking for staff payments.

Staff Contracts*

Look up to staff contracts, you are able to select multiple staff to be trained together.


You are able to specify whether the staff completed, passed or failed the training. If the training is Completed or Passed the staff will have a PST icon next to them on the booking drawer.

Expiry Date

Specifies that end date that the training is valid for.

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

As the form is completed the system will alert you about any scheduling conflicts, by displaying a dialog with the needed warnings and alerts.

Once any changes or updates have to be made on PST record, and the Training Completed field is set to Yes, and an Outcome of Pass, Fail or Complete is selected, the system will display the following dialog:

The record will lock on save and update the System User's training record.

System User Training Records

Whether you save a Person Specific Training record as Training Completed = Yes or No, the system will generate a training record, for all staff specified in the Person Specific Training.

The Training record will display the following Statuses:

  • Outstanding: If Training Complete = "No" and there are no course dates specified.
  • Planned: If Training Complete = "No" and course dates are specified.
  • Current: If Training Complete = "Yes" and course dates are specified.

Provider Diary

Once the Training is "Completed" the system will also generate a Provider Diary entry for the Staff that have completed the training. This ensures that the time is being captured for payroll without additional invention.

Provider Schedule

When scheduling a booking for person that has a person specific training the system will generate the following notice:

You will also be able to see what staff have met the person specific training requirement by displaying a PST badge next to the matching badges.

Depending on the setting on the person specific training, you will get a warning message or error message alerting when you choose a staff that doesn't have the person specific training. If the training has been marked "Prevent" you will not be able to choose and save a staff without the person specific training.

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