Integrating Maps for Rostering Travel Time and Distance

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

To enable Maps Integration in the system, an account will need to be created with the Google Maps Platform.

Start by going to the Google Maps Platform website:


  1. Select the Sign in button on the top right corner of the page.
If you don't have a Google account, you can create one.
  1. Once you're signed in, select the Get Started button on the top right corner of the page.
  2. The "Discover" page shown can be used to read more about the google services offered . We will be using "Calculate distance" and "Convert an address to coordinates" services. Reading of these is optional and "Finish account setup" needs to be selected to continue the process. When using the costs and restrictions area these APIs come under the "Distance Matrix API"
  3. Follow the account verification steps requested
  4. When asked "Take 30 seconds to get the most relevant solutions, guides and documentation. You can change your answers later." this can be skipped
  5. You will now be given an API Key which can be used in the corresponding System Setting in Care Cloud (Maps.Google.APIKey). The set up for Care Cloud is described more below - but there are some extra steps you should consider first for this google set up:
  6. The next screen will give the options to Protect your API key - we strongly recommend this. Using the "Websites" option, your Care Cloud URL can be entered as a restriction. More restrictions can be added as you wish and instructed on screen.
  7. All Google Maps APIs are enabled but you could choose to restrict it to just the ones used by Care Cloud. To do this fo to the "Credentials" tab and then under API Restrictions choose "Restrict Key and then select "Distance Matrix API"
  8. Pricing information can be found here and has information about the change to google pricing coming in March 2025. To set a budget go to My Billing Account and then "Budgets and alerts" - select the account and then update the "Target Amount".
If you are unsure on your usage amount, we recommend starting with a low usage plan, monitoring your usage and then increasing as needed.

Here are some additional tips for setting up a Google Maps API account:

  • Monitor your usage. Google Maps Platform provides a variety of tools to help you monitor your usage and costs.
  • Get support. If you need help setting up or using Google Maps Platform, you can contact Google support

Your Maps Integration in Care Cloud can be found in the following way:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > System Management.
  2. Select the System Settings option.
  3. The settings below will have the following possible Values when your system is configured.


Possible Values




Defines which Maps Provider to use (Google or Bing)

Determines which Provider will ve used for Maps Integration



Indicates whether Geocodes (longitude/latitude) should be resolved (True) or not (False) for Person/System User records

Determines if the system will connect to a Geocode Api to resolve the long/lat of addresses.



Determines the type of Measurement used in Distance Calculations (Miles or Kilometres)

Determines what measurement type the maps integration will use.



Determines default transportation type for calculating distances when none are found (options are Walking, Cycling, Driving)

Determines what transport type the maps integration will use if none is found for a Distance calculation.



Defines the API Key to use when contacting Bing Maps Services

Key for connecting to Bing Maps API



Defines the URL to use when contacting the Bing Maps Distance Matrix API. This will be:

Url for connecting to Bing Distance Matrix



Defines the URL to use when contacting Bing Maps Geocode Services. This will be:

Url for connecting to Bing Locations



Defines the API Key to use when contacting Google Maps Services

Key for connecting to Google Maps API



Defines the URL to use when contacting the Google Maps Distance Matrix API. This will be:

Url for connecting to Google Distance Matrix



Defines the Url to use when contacting Google Maps Geocode Services. This will be:

Url for connecting to Google Geocode Locations


Please note that Bing Maps is no longer supported by Bing for new customers. Existing customer can still use their current plan and API key in the settings above if they wish. We recommend using Google Maps as our testing shows it is more accurate, has better performance and is a continued service from Google.

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