
File Destruction

For cases such as a GDPR request to delete all of a client/patient’s information, a File Destruction feature has been provided. This feature is found under Settings > Configuration > Data Management > File Destruction.

The feature allows you to request for a record to be deleted.

The record’s child records will also be deleted based on the Business Object Relationship configuration.

Records which are not a child but still use the ‘to be’ deleted record’s information can be replaced with the Surrogate records information. For example, you could create a dummy record called ‘GPDR delete’ to be used as a Surrogate record. This would be useful for any Person Relationships where one of the parties in that relationship has been deleted using this feature. The relationship would remain but now the deleted party would be replaced with the surrogate.

Users with the correct permission have to approve the record to be deleted before the scheduled start date of the deletion. There is an icon to approve the delete at the top of the screen, which only appears for relevant roles.

User permissions for approval are here:

There is a scheduled job to process deletions which can be managed by navigating to Settings > Configuration > System Management > Scheduled Jobs and then searching for and selecting the 'File Destruction' job:

The status of the deletion will be automatically updated. You check the delete status to see if any errors occurred after the scheduled date to delete.

Appointments which are deleted as part of this process will not update any local MS Outlook Appointments if they exist.

Enforce Searches Before Creating Patient Records

The number of unique searches that must be performed before a new patient can be created is now controlled in the RequiredPersonSearches system setting.

The setting is shown below:

The number of remaining searches to be done will count down at the top of the Person Search screen, as shown below:

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