Copying or Ending an Existing Staff Contract and Creating a New Staff Contract

Shivani Panchal Updated by Shivani Panchal

As Staff move positions or changes roles you may want to be able to move Staff availability and booking and diary schedules to the new contract. If you use Recruitment, once an Employee is fully inducted, you are able to copy information from an existing contract to the new position using the process listed below.

  1. Open the old Staff Contract click on the 3 dots in the toolbar and select "End and Create New" or "Copy to New Contract" depending on what you need to have happen.
  1. Complete the following information:
  • Transition Date - this is the start date of the new contract and provide an end date for the old contract.
  • Role - the role for the new contract
  • Type - the type of employment contract
  • Description - description of the new contract and role.

You can also choose to

  • Create availability for the new contract based on the old contract.
  • Move Staff Review - if there are outstanding staff reviews you can choose to move them to the new contract.
  • Move Diary Bookings that were assigned to the old contract.
  • Move Scheduled Bookings that have been setup on Scheduled Booking.
  1. Once you have completed the required information and chosen what you would like to move to the new contract, click on the confirm button. You will get a "Success" message once the process has been completed.
  1. Once that is done you will be able to open and update any information on the new contract.
Contracts in a "Suspended" status will not be able to be copied.

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